Looking for a TRD Center Cap for 18" Wheels on '23 Sequoia with the TRD Off-Road Package


New member
May 3, 2023
Hi - I would like to find a Wheel Center Cap with red TRD logo that would fit on the 18" wheels of 2023 Sequoia (with the TRD Off-Road package).

The part number of the 18" wheel / rim is 42611-0C300. The existing Wheel Caps (3 5/16" outside diameter, part # 42603-0C121) have the Toyota emblem. I would like to replace those Wheel Caps with ones having the red TRD logo.

There is no standard TRD wheel cap made by Toyota for this wheel. So far, I have tried 2 different TRD Wheel Caps (PT280-34221-2F and PT280-89210-F2) but both of these do not snap on to the wheel because the depth of their cavity is shallower than the original Toyota wheel cap.

Would be interested to see if anybody else has luck finding a perfect fitting TRD Wheel cap for this 18" wheel.

Thanks :)
